Monday, June 18, 2012

Website Update

     So it took nearly forever, but I FINALLY updated my website!  It's not perfect, but it does precisely what I need it to: display my images and have the ability to be updated on the fly.  Hopefully, I'll be able to work with someone to give it the tweaks and adjustments I'd like it to have, but in the meantime it's showing current work and that's exciting!  Special thanks to Dan Dos Santos and the guys at Muddy Colors for posting some great tutorials and information!

Please stop by and visit my new website if you haven't already, and if you've been there before, stop by again!  Follow the link in the sidebar or just click HERE.
EDIT: updated website address.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Rowan tree sketch

     WOW, it has been an incredibly l-o-n-g time, since I've been able to get on here and post something.  I recently had someone remind me of this fact and here we are. 
     A recent sketch I completed for someone that actually served as the "inspiration" of a tattoo they had done.  We really wanted to capture the feeling of this old, twisted tree and this small family of owls that had decided to perch there.  This was the result, leave me a comment and let me know what you think!
Rowan Tree with Barn Owls. c Tom McAndrew Jr. 2012