Monday, June 15, 2009

Been a while . . .

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything but it's been an incredibly busy last couple of weeks. I have been dropping in on the Illustration Academy which is hosted near me and if you've never heard of it you should definitely check them out. Simply put one it's one of the best programs I have ever had the privilege to be a part of (and this is technically my fourth year!). I am also on vacation this week and away from home as well as my scanner. I have been trying some new things and should have quite a bit to post when I return.
It's definitely great to get away and see some new things. I really enjoy traveling and would eventually like to travel more. I feel it would strongly help my work and broaden my artistic horizons; though some artists have a made quite a prolific career from staying relatively close to home. Andrew Wyeth comes immediately to mind and he stayed pretty much in one (regional) spot his whole career and did amazingly well! But each artist is (thankfully) different and I enjoy visiting places and looking at pictures of other places too much to not ever want to visit them. One day . . .
Well, time to get back to the drawing board (or sketchbooks). To my (possibly) 2 loyal readers, I hope you're doing well and thanks for following along.