Sunday, November 28, 2010

Amazing New(ish) Blog

     I "discovered" one of the most amazing blogs a few months back.  It can be found at Muddy Colors.  It features comments and insights from some amazing illustrators and artists.  The blog has been up and since August 2009 and since then has gained quite a following.  Ever since I stumbled across it's wonderful entries I have been thankful; gaining an insight into the thought and work processes of successful artists is a exciting thing to be a part of.  To date, there have been entries on thumbnails, using reference, painting techniques, and portfolio tips.  Just a little bit for everyone.  So, if you're interested in art or artists, I highly recommend adding some Muddy Colors to your daily palette of inspiration and information.  Click the link in the ArtFuel section, follow along, and enjoy. TTYL.

Friday, November 26, 2010

New Book!

     I recently received a copy of Color and Light, by James Gurney (thanks to Jennifer Borreson).  I am constantly impressed with James' work, his newest book is no exception.  This volume is an in depth study on the effects of both color and light, how it works and most importantly how it can be applied to the arts (drawing, painting, photography, etc).  I have read through most of his Dinotopia books (which if you haven't read - please go out right now and read them!) and throughly enjoyed each adventure.  The stories are well written and the illustrations will have you feeling like you're right there on this strange isolated continent.  One day I will own my own copy of the series. 
     So far, I'm about 60 or so pages into Color and Light and already feel like I am getting a much needed refresher course in color, light, composition, design, and painting technique.  If you are unfamiliar with James Gurney please follow the jump to his website or click the link on the sidebar to visit his incredibly informative daily blog at Gurney Journey.  I will post a more thorough review once I finish going through it, but so far so good great!

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think.  TTYL