Monday, February 15, 2010

New book . . .

     I received a pair of amazing books for Christmas this (past) year.  The first is The Frank Reilly School of Art by Doug Higgins.  Frank Reilly was an incredible teacher who taught at the Art Student's League in New York for about 29 years among other very prestigious art schools during the 1960's.  Doug was a student of Frank Reilly's during the sixties and the book is an account of notes taken by himself as well as other students of Frank's throughout the years.  The content of the book is a wonderful journey about the fundementals of art, drawing, and painting.  It's simplicity and approachibility is wonderful and very easy to understand and apply. 
     The second book is The Practice and Science of Drawing by Harold Speed.  I'm currently about half-way through it so far, but I must say that this is one of the most informative books on drawing I've ever read.  It really breaks down how we see and interpret images and particularly how to translate that knowledge into drawing.  It was written by Harold Speed in 1917, which is interesting because this is right after the main Impressionist movement so painters like Corot and Monet were very fresh on the artistic scene.
     I highly recommend both of these books, if you are at all interested in learning about drawing and general art techniques.  I wish I had read these before (or at least the beginning) of art school.  Of course, saying that I wouldn't have really appreciated what was being shared at the time.  So, I am thankful for the opportunity to have read them now.